PTO logo


Mission Statement: PTO’s mission is to foster cooperation between the school and parents by providing a forum to address school-wide issues of mutual concern. In addition, the Parent Teacher Organization raises funds that assist in providing extra materials, equipment, and resources for teachers and students.


Did you know? All parents/guardians of SME students and members of the faculty are a part of PTO's general membership. No dues required!

Want to join PTO's executive board? Submit your name and contact information to the PTO president at or the elementary principal by April 1 for consideration for the following term year.  

Want to volunteer at a PTO sponsored event like the Fall Carnival or Mrs. Hick's Play Outside Day? Would you like to volunteer at the HOPE Auction? PTO is in need of volunteers throughout the school year. Submit your name and contact information to the PTO president at or the elementary principal at any time during the year.